
Over the course of time, Intonia may be expected to have many incremental updates. Some of the updates will be new features and enhancements, others may be bug fixes. Registered users of Intonia may update their copy to the latest version available at any time at no cost.

Intonia has the capability of querying the Intonia website to see if a newer version is available. This check will be done under the following conditions:

If Intonia determines a newer version is available, it will pop up an "Updates Found" dialog that tells you what version you are running, what the latest available version is, and some of the features of the newer version. Options are:

The checkbox at the bottom of the dialog, labeled "Always check for updates on startup", controls Check for Updates on Startup on the Files tab of the Options Dialog.

You must be connected to the internet for version checking to work. If you initiate the check manually and no connection is detected, an error message will be displayed. If the check was started automatically, it will be terminated silently and the check will be repeated the next time Intonia starts up.