The help window contains a toolbar at the top, a navigation pane on the left and a content pane on the right.
The navigation pane has two tabs, one for the table of contents, and one for full-text search. Type a search term in the "Find:" field of the Search tab to locate the term in the help files. The Table of Contents and the Search pane are synchronized with the Content pane.
The content pane displays the text of the help topic. Terms underlined in blue are hyperlinks that will take you to a related topic.
Help - Getting Started Guide will open a page with instructions for new users.
Help - Help for Intonia will open a comprehensive User's Guide.
Help - About Intonia will bring up a dialog with version information.
Both the Getting Started Guide and the User's Guide are also readable with a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. The Getting Started Guide is located under the application directory (C:\Program Files\Intonia in Windows) as Help\GettingStarted.shtml. The User's Guide is Help\Manual.shtml.