You can use the File menu to save what you just recorded, or open an existing sound file. The sound file might be one you or anyone else recorded using Intonia, or it might be a file you ripped from a commercial CD.
Each time you open or save a file, the program saves the location in a persistent backing store, so the next time you run Intonia it will look for files in that location. If you're on a multi-user system, the saved location is user-specific.
The name of the currently open file is displayed on the title bar. An asterisk following the name means the file has been modified since the last time it was saved or read from the disk.
If you've set the Check for Modified Files option, and you close a file, then if the file has been modified, the program will first ask you if you want to save the modified file. This can occur on a New, Open, or Exit.
File - New closes the currently open file and creates a new, empty file with the name "New File".
File - Open opens an existing sound file. The supported file types are .WAV, .AU, .AIFF, and .MP3.
File - Save saves the currently open file under its current name and location. The file will be saved in .WAV format.
File - Save As saves the currently open file, allowing you to give it a different name or location.
File - Properties brings up a dialog with information about the currently-open sound file, including the number of channels, the sample size, and the frame rate.
File - Register brings up a dialog with registration information. If Intonia is unregistered, it will tell how many days remain in the 30-day free trial period, and give an opportunity either to purchase a registration key or to enter registration data. If Intonia is registered, it will display the registration information. For further information, see the section on Licensing.
File - Check for Updates will query the Intonia website to determine if a newer version exists, and if so, it will take you to the web page for downloading and installing the update. For more information, see the section on Updating.
File - Exit will terminate the program. XXXXX