Useful Applications

I'm an improving violin student, having started as an adult. I've found that learning to play the violin requires training the ear to recognize correct intonation before the fingers can find the correct place on the string. Frequently I've had the experience where my teacher says, "make the G# a little sharper." Once I do so, I can hear that it sounds better, but I would not have thought to try it on my own. I've wanted to ask my teacher, "how can I take you home with me?" Intonia is my way of making that happen.

Intonia was designed first and foremost to analyze the intonation of stringed instruments like violins, violas, and cellos. You can play fast or slow. You can study or critique recordings of other players.

As a practical matter, I've found that it doesn't work well to watch the display while I'm playing, unless I play very slowly. There's enough of a time lag that making quick corrections just doesn't work. If I want to tune up a single long note, I can use visual feedback from Intonia to make corrections. But if I'm playing a passage, it's best to play it at tempo, then stop and look at how I did, then go back and see if I can play it better.

Intonia makes it easy and fun to record yourself while you play, then listen to yourself. The visualization of pitch makes it easy to pick out particular passages.

The visualization of pitch makes a lot of common errors obvious. It doesn't take a trained ear to spot sliding into a note, or a poorly executed shift.

Intonia also works as a transcription tool. I can visually identify a passage I want to transcribe, then play it enough times to be able to write it down. I can even look at the display to identify what note is being played.

And setting aside all music considerations, Intonia is a pretty good general purpose recorder. Audio can be saved in the standard .WAV format, and read in from any source, including tracks ripped from a CD.

You can edit audio files with "Copy", "Cut" and "Paste". You can even copy from one file and paste into a different file.